Brooks Talent Index Teleseminars

The teleseminars are 90 minute guided discussions hosted by The Brooks Group and provide Brooks Talent Index Assessment training for all AFRCRS Flight Chiefs and Staff. The teleseminars are held at two different times over consecutive days to accommodate time zone differences and scheduling conflicts.

In advance of each teleseminar, AFRCRS/RSOT will send an outline of the program. The outline will include instructions for calling in to the program on a dedicated bridge line along with a “fill in the blank” note-taker for the topics to be discussed during the teleseminar. Audience members are encouraged to ask questions and share examples from their own experiences relative to the session’s topic. Additionally, each program will be recorded and posted to


Note: Select the PLAY icon next to the recording to listen.
Brooks Talent Index Teleseminar #1
Brooks Talent Index Teleseminar #2
Brooks Talent Index Teleseminar #3
Brooks Talent Index Teleseminar #4
Brooks Talent Index Teleseminar #5
Brooks Talent Index Teleseminar #6