IMPACT Selling® Professional Certification
IMPACT Selling Professional Certification Program is a self-study course designed to elevate your knowledge and application of the IMPACT Sales Model to a level only a few recruiting professionals will ever achieve. Earning your professional certification is similar to receiving a Graduate Degree in professional selling. The rewards that go along with joining the elite few who have achieved this level of expertise are many. Here are just some of the benefits you will enjoy:
In-Service Recruiting
In-Service Recruiters who participate in mass briefings for active duty separatees have the opportunity make a positive impression on behalf of both themselves and the Air Force Reserve Command. Just as importantly, the mass briefing is a great place to gather valuable information as part of the Investigate Step of IMPACT.
IMPACT Training Resources
In this section you will find training tools including the Joint Call Audit forms, sample and blank Parthenons for strategic planning, and additional computer-based training modules
Rx CDs Online Program
The Rx CDs Online program is a personal improvement tool designed to be used in conjunction with the results of both the Brooks Talent Index Assessment and the Military Recruiting Skills Index (MRSI).
The teleseminars are guided discussions hosted by The Brooks Group and provide Brooks Talent Index assessment and leadership management training for all AFRCRS Flight Chiefs and Staff. The teleseminars are held at two different times over consecutive days to accommodate time zone differences and scheduling conflicts..
Brooks Talent Index assessments: Administration & Tools
Brooks Talent Index assessments are a valuable tool you can use for screening, selecting and coaching recruiting and retention personnel. Unlike many assessments that measure only behavior, Brooks Talent Index measures three dimensions.
IMPACT Sales Training Library
The IMPACT Sales Training Library product is an easy to use, self-contained, customized sales training program that provides 52 pre-planned lessons, covering 13 separate sales topics. The IMPACT Sales Training Library starts with an instructional audio (or transcript) which explains how to use the product. Also contained in the IMPACT Sales Training Library are audios and transcripts of every lesson, a Manager’s Guide, a Recruiter’s Workbook and pre-prepared AF Forms 623a for each lesson.